I couldnt believe my ears when I heard that the price of the playstation 3 was going to be around the estemated amount of 600 euro. If you are from america like I am, 600 euro translates almost into $700 USD. Does anybody else see this as a problem. Not for the consumer as much as it is for these last next gen consoles comming out. The market as it stands now is in microsofts favor. With as many as 800,000 360s sold already in consoles alone, microsoft is still preparing for another go when this summer comes around and next holiday season with possibly only the ps3 to compete against with its price at 600 euro or roughly 700 dollars without games. By that time guess what the 360 could do? You guessed right give out discounts and luanch their much anticipated games to push the system even harder.
People still forget that games such as halo 3 and gears of war are said to be what might push the xbox 360 into the lead indefinatley. If you look at the numbers just halo 2 alone sold over 8,500 copies at one store in 11 minutes and had a pre-sold list of 1.5 million. Halo 2 was so big that even some local grocerie stores had been taking orders. The numbers go on and on on this one game. And lets not even talk about final fantasy and its compatibility with the xbox 360. You can read up some more cool facts about halo 2 here at cnn.com just search for halo 2 at cnn.com.
As for the nintindo, who knows what they plan to do... What I just caught wind of was that nintindo is planning on taking it's revolution and pricing it right under $120 bucks. Sounds similar to when it launched it first nintindo right? But what relevence will nintindo have if they keep pushing kiddy games to the masses. I will talk more about marketing strategy and some bad moves in which nintindo has applied themselves. You can read it at www.johnmarshnotes.blogspot.com.
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