Below is an explaination of the new firmware update which was presented at Gamescon! I am pretty excited for the new dynamic backgrounds! Good Stuff.
Monday, September 07, 2009
PS3 showing strong Growth with New Slim! & Somthing Interesting

- Next Gen Graphics
- HD or SD capable
- HD-DVD peripheral (sold separately) to watch movies in Hi-Def.
- NetFlix Capability (to watch instant play capable videos) This is great for watching your favorite TV episodes.
- New XBOX experience! cool new GUI and more options for Market Place
- Xbox live Market Place--- purchase your favorite music videos, Rent Movies, or update existing games with new content (maps, characters, music, etc.)
- Live Chat - Chat with anyone on MSN (Cool feature since your family may not have a 360 but do have a computer. This makes staying in touch easy and fun.)
- Play online against others on 360 or across platforms PC to 360.
- Play arcade classics.
- Use Media center to watch TV or view pictures, listen to music, or watch DVD's.
- Backwards capability
Second there is the Wii ($249 Just console, wii sports and a controller Price will vary depending on package deal):
- Next gen way of playing with Wii motion controllers
- Customize an avatar for yourself (Mii)
- Wi-Fi Built in for free online Services
- Backwards compatible with all gamecube games
- Get access to all old Nintendo virtual consols, Sega Genesis, Turbografix-16 and more
- Access to Wii Channels (weather, Internet, games, etc) (updated regularly)
- use SD cards to extend your memory or load pictures
Lastly there is the PS3 ($299 Slim 120g, $299 80g, or $399 160g)
- Next gen Graphics
- Next gen Six Axis Motion controllers for Next Gen Play
- True HD (HDMI and Blue Ray capable)
- Wi-Fi Built in for Free online service
- PSN (PlayStation Network)
- Download/Rent Movies in Blue Ray or definition
- Download old or new PlayStation titles
- Consistent firm ware updates (This keeps the system evolving and interesting)
- Capable for remote play with PSP (upload or download content to either system)
- Home- this is similar to second life but not as creepy... Great for connecting with friends customizing your own avatar using the PSN and playing built in side missions.
- locates media servers so that you can share videos, pictures and music wirelessly through your own home networks.
Ok, so I listed some of the major features of each of these consoles. Some of you may already be fully aware of these differences and some of you may have found something new you didn't previously realize. Overall, the XBOX360 kinda sits in the middle in terms of its gaming capabilities, the Wii has taken a minimalist approach and made their console as simple as possible kinda like google or apple, and Sony went all out with every bell and whistle on their PS3 system you could think of. So value wise the PS3 will give you the most for your money if you were to compare. However, how much fun you will get for your money will depend on you and what you want. Going back to what I was saying earlier.... "Is price the one factor that has been effecting how successful a console is?". Pay close attention to something... I am showing that the PS3 80g was the exact same price as the new Slim (don't believe me click here to go to Sony's site and see for yourself). So why now are people all of the sudden buying up the PS3 Slim like hot cakes?? Everybody wants to attribute it to price but in my eyes not much has changed except for the obvious change in size (which is cool but not a tremendous reduction) and an additional 40gigs (which you can find anywhere now days). If consumers really wanted a PS3 for its functionality they would have picked up the 80g a long time ago and upgraded the hard drive at a later time. I got to give it to Sony they have done a pretty good job at not making this very clear to consumers but hey its working and that's what matters. Are you planning on buying a PS3? If so why now and did the additional size of the "PS3 Fat" really deter you from purchasing previously?
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Will PS3 ever get its BC back???
YouTube - System of a Lego - Chop Suey!
Wow 8-bit trip now this!! Well I think its just too sweet! Enjoy....