Saturday, May 19, 2007
Win a ps3 through
Has anybody ever heard about This is basically a site thats a rip off of youtube, but it allows you to earn points for watching the videos and it also allows you to win prizes with those points if you are in the top fifteen earners for the month. I can't remember how I found this site but Somehow I found it during one of my late nights playing video games and watching movies. Anyhow, I signed up for it and I have already won a $10 certificate to amazon! I thought this was going to be one of those sites where you send enoying emails to people and all that crap! anyway you don't have to do any of that, all you do is sign up for free and watch videos just like you do on youtube but you get rewarded for watching the clips. Anyway it is a great way to waste time if you are interested check it out at
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Today is the day that the gocam was supposed to launch in Europe! The gocam looks like a fantastic new addition for the portable console. assuming you have a 4 gig memory card you can take over 2 hours of photos, or 40,000 pics. some additional features include a swivling head which allows up to 180 degrees of motion, installation software, photo/video editing software. The software is rumored to allow people to add sound or grafics to video or pics.
Boys from southpark play Warcraft!
This episode is so funny! the boys from south park play a little warcraft and get frustrated with some random person who keeps killing them heh! anyway the clip takes a little while to fully load but if your connection is fast then you should have no probz! Anyway Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A Little Mugen: Thor Vs. Wonder Woman!
Just a little Mugen for you mugen lovers out there! Thor vs. Wonder Woman !
How Far is to Far?

Monday, May 14, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Grand Theift Auto
By David M E Taylor
Grand Theft Auto has always been a franchise that likes to bathe itself in controversy, shower itself off in heated debate and deodorize in wild accusations. Whether it is the intentionally amoral gameplay or the amazingly unsexy "hot coffee" debacle, GTA has proved time and time again that there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Gamers on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are eagerly awaiting the latest instalment in the GTA series later this year, and when the real sequel to GTA III, the amazingly-named GTA IV launches (there have been several spin-offs since GTA III, such as Liberty City Stories, etc). The web was alive with downloaders recently when RockStar finally allowed gamers their first peak at the game in the shape of a teaser trailer.
Within hours though, while gamers dissected the footage, politicians leapt in to criticize. What were they criticizing? The fictional setting, Liberty City, which resembles New York. A lot. City politicians were aghast at the idea of a piece of fiction portraying violence on the streets on New York, apparently being ignorant of pretty much the entire work of Martin Scorsese.
"Setting Grand Theft Auto in the safest big city in America would be like setting Halo in Disneyland," said City Councilman Peter Vallone, chairman of the Council's Public Safety Committee to The New York Daily News. He's not the only one to have a go, either. Spotting an opportunity to look good, a spokesman for the mayor had a go too: "The mayor does not support any video game where you earn points for injuring or killing police officers."
Oddly though, New York City hasn't seemed to have had a problem with movie companies setting their violent and action thrillers in the city, with roads closed for the Die Hard 3 film, for example. Had RockStar turned up with millions of dollars in order to shoot the city for textures for the games, would there have been praise galore for the realism the game offered?
All of this criticism, of course, ignore the whole "it's fiction" nature of the game which leads to the question of whether future novelists, film makers, animators, artists and games companies will be asked not to show the city with any violence in it. Because fiction has to reflect reality apparently, somewhat destroying the point of fiction.
As to the trailer itself, there's not a hint of violence. It's undeniable that the game features a fictionalised version of NYC. As the GTA IV preview in P3Zine, the free PlayStation 3 magazine shows, but already game commentators are theorizing that GTA IV will feature more realism and less violence without repercussions, as RockStar has supposedly been talking to ex-cops about how much harder organised crime is to get away with these days.
RockStar has repeatedly pushed GTA IV with the tagline "Things will be different" a phrase echoed by the main character in the trailer, but it appears that criticism of the franchise is not going to any different this time around, starting before the game has even appeared. It's unlikely to damage sales. Even in NYC.
Article Source:
Grand Theft Auto has always been a franchise that likes to bathe itself in controversy, shower itself off in heated debate and deodorize in wild accusations. Whether it is the intentionally amoral gameplay or the amazingly unsexy "hot coffee" debacle, GTA has proved time and time again that there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Gamers on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are eagerly awaiting the latest instalment in the GTA series later this year, and when the real sequel to GTA III, the amazingly-named GTA IV launches (there have been several spin-offs since GTA III, such as Liberty City Stories, etc). The web was alive with downloaders recently when RockStar finally allowed gamers their first peak at the game in the shape of a teaser trailer.
Within hours though, while gamers dissected the footage, politicians leapt in to criticize. What were they criticizing? The fictional setting, Liberty City, which resembles New York. A lot. City politicians were aghast at the idea of a piece of fiction portraying violence on the streets on New York, apparently being ignorant of pretty much the entire work of Martin Scorsese.
"Setting Grand Theft Auto in the safest big city in America would be like setting Halo in Disneyland," said City Councilman Peter Vallone, chairman of the Council's Public Safety Committee to The New York Daily News. He's not the only one to have a go, either. Spotting an opportunity to look good, a spokesman for the mayor had a go too: "The mayor does not support any video game where you earn points for injuring or killing police officers."
Oddly though, New York City hasn't seemed to have had a problem with movie companies setting their violent and action thrillers in the city, with roads closed for the Die Hard 3 film, for example. Had RockStar turned up with millions of dollars in order to shoot the city for textures for the games, would there have been praise galore for the realism the game offered?
All of this criticism, of course, ignore the whole "it's fiction" nature of the game which leads to the question of whether future novelists, film makers, animators, artists and games companies will be asked not to show the city with any violence in it. Because fiction has to reflect reality apparently, somewhat destroying the point of fiction.
As to the trailer itself, there's not a hint of violence. It's undeniable that the game features a fictionalised version of NYC. As the GTA IV preview in P3Zine, the free PlayStation 3 magazine shows, but already game commentators are theorizing that GTA IV will feature more realism and less violence without repercussions, as RockStar has supposedly been talking to ex-cops about how much harder organised crime is to get away with these days.
RockStar has repeatedly pushed GTA IV with the tagline "Things will be different" a phrase echoed by the main character in the trailer, but it appears that criticism of the franchise is not going to any different this time around, starting before the game has even appeared. It's unlikely to damage sales. Even in NYC.
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